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Appointment of Curator for the HKIA Roving Architecture Exhibition 2023/24 in Kuala Lumpur and Nanjing (KL-NJ Exhibitions)

With the support from Create Hong Kong as the Lead Sponsor, The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation (HKIABF) is pleased to announce that a curatorial team led by Ar. Professor Paul CHU Hoi Shan, Ar. Jacky CHEUNG Hoi Fo and Mr. CHAN Ching Kan, has been appointed as Curators for the HKIA Roving Architecture Exhibition 2023/24 in Kuala Lumpur and Nanjing (KL-NJ Exhibitions), in July and November 2023, respectively. 


- Ar. Professor CHU Hoi Shan, Paul, FHKIA, RA
- Ar. CHEUNG Hoi Fo, Jacky, HKIA, RA
- Mr. CHAN Ching Kan


Paul, Jacky and Kan, collectively, are all HKIA Football players. Individually, they were invited/ selected exhibitors in different years of Venice Biennale, HK SZ Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\ Architecture, HKIA REVEAL and REVEAL 2 Exhibition and ‘Exploring HK’s Living Style and Cultures Through Architecture’ HKIA x HKTDC Design Gallery Exhibition. The team is dedicated to transcend the knowledge and experience accumulated in organising the past Hong Kong Weeks Events, namely, ‘MORE THAN HIGH-RISE- Exploring Hong Kong through Architecture 2018’ in Tokyo, ‘Past. Present. Future – Tracking Hong Kong Architecture 2015’ in Taiwan, and events ‘HKIA Cross-Strait Architectural Design Symposium and Awards’ in 2015, 2017 & 2019 to make the upcoming KL-NJ exhibition an intellectually inspiring one.

Please click HERE for curators' profile.

‘Harmony in Diversity - 
Connecting the Metropolis by in-betweens’

Over the last 25 years, the advancement of Hong Kong has been continuously supported by infrastructural expansion through innovations at the scale of ‘territorial, architectural and spatial’. The resultant utopian-type of development model celebrates density, transience and transition, with one grand objective achieved- to get connected.

On the other hand, the model has revealed another scale of connection, the ‘in-between’, to emerge along the vicinity of such infrastructural developments. These ‘in-betweens’, may they belong to the nature of authority (e.g. by private/ public, top-down/ bottom-up initiatives), physical construct (e.g. interventions of/ at different size/ scale) or psychological interpretation (e.g. subjectivity/ objectivity, sensational/ functional) facilitates spontaneous interaction and linkage that help stitching space, time and people, and progressively helps Hong Kong to connect and advance.

The exhibition aims to explore different conditions of these ‘in-betweens’ that exist in Hong Kong through young architects’ imagination and interpretation. The exhibition also invites experts from Kuala Lumpur and Nanjing to response to the topic, with an aim to narrate an alternative realm to understand and project infrastructural expansion in metropolis like these three cities. It also encompasses discussion forums to facilitate further interflow amongst Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Nanjing. 

It is with a faith of extreme positivism that such perpetual flight of internal expansions is conceived wherein social bonds are created and cultures are bred. 

July - August 2023 in Kuala Lumpur
November 2023 in Nanjing, The Mainland
March/April 2024 in Hong Kong