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Awards & Competition
HKIA Annual Awards 2017/18 - call for nominations

Dear Members,

On behalf of the Institute, I cordially invite you to participate in the HKIA Annual Awards 2017/18 by making submissions of your works.

After a review on awards categories gone through by the Annual Awards 2016/17 Organising Committee in the last exercise, we received positive feedbacks from our fellow members.  We strongly believe such changes would help “Build a better Hong Kong. Promote Architectural Excellence”.

We honour our members and their outstanding works.  Prize Presentation was conducted at HKIA Annual Dinner 2017 for last exercise of Annual Awards.  I witnessed how guests of Annual Dinner applauded for the winners.  What a touching moment.  I am glad to see our members’ achievement is well recognized and looking forward a wider extent of recognition around the world.

Architectural works by our fellow architects are definitely of high quality.  The Institute strives for the best opportunity of exposing our works to the world.  We count on you to let us, and the world, know your good works.

I sincerely look forward to your submissions.

Yours sincerely,
Cullen WONG
Annual Awards 2017/18 Organizing Committee

HKIA Annual Awards 2017/18 nomination brief (updated on 20 June 2018, P.16 - Jury Panel)
Check List [Form 0] in .doc format
Nomination Form [Form 1] in .doc format
Fact Sheet [Form 2] in .doc format