HKIA Medal of the Year

Hong Kong Palace Museum 香港故宮文化博物館

The Architect: Rocco Design Architects Associates Ltd
Client/ Developer: West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
M & E Consultant: Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd
Structural Engineer : Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd
Quantity Surveyor: Rider Levett Bucknall Limited
Main Contractor: China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited

The Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM) is an important art and cultural facility situated in the Hong Kong West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD). The Museum is dedicated to showcasing the rich cultural heritage of China, promoting traditional Chinese culture, advocating dialogue and exchange among other world civilizations.

The 30,000-square-metre building sits at the western tip of WKCD adjacent to the Art Park, where it commands sweeping views over Victoria Harbour. The design features three atria, a grand plaza, and a large lobby with a bronze ceiling. The galleries provide a total of 7,800-square-metre of exhibition spaces, presenting the finest objects from the Palace Museum and other important cultural institutions around the world. It is designed to be a civic hub and a landmark for Hong Kong, offering interactive exhibitions to connect future generations with China's cultural history.

香港故宮文化博物館是一項位於西九文化區的文化藝術設施,目標是推動公眾對中國藝術和文化的研究和欣賞,並與世界重要文化機構緊密合作,促進不同文化之間的對話。博物館鄰近西九藝術公園,面向維多利亞港,總樓面面積約3萬平方米,其中約七千八百平方米為展 覽廳,展出故宮博物院和其他世界重要文化機構的珍藏。