


Integrity Capacity Building Workshop –Integrity Risk Management in Building Projects Adopting Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)

Language: Cantonese supplemented with English


CPD Hours: 1.5 hours


Admission: Free


Quota: 80 persons (In person)

            1000 persons (zoom)


Delivery: Hybrid



Ms Maria Lo

Chief Corruption Prevention Officer

Corruption Prevention Department



Mr Alex Lai


CPD Committee


The Government has been promoting the use of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) in both public and private works projects in recent years.  As MiC involves fabrication/inspection outside Hong Kong and multiple trades, its special features give rise to changed/shifted integrity risks.  This course highlights the integrity risks pertaining to the adoption of MiC, the corresponding mitigating measures and introduce an Integrity Risk Management plan to manage the risks, which architects as a supervisory role in these projects should know to enhance their corruption prevention capabilities and avoid corruption pitfalls.


Objectives of the workshop:

To enhance the integrity management capabilities and raise the corruption prevention awareness of architects involved in MiC projects.


Contents of the workshop:

•Introduction of Prevention of Bribery Ordinance

•Introduction of Integrity Risk Management Plan for MiC projects

•Integrity risks in MiC projects

•Mitigating measures addressing the risks


Ms. Maria Lo (BEng(CVL), MHKIE, CEng, MICE) is the Chief Corruption Prevention Officer of the Corruption Prevention Department of the ICAC and is a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.  She has experience in advising government departments, public bodies and private organisations on corruption risks and preventive measures concerning their systems and procedures.