


[Recap] Heritage Conservation and Adaptive Reuse Series #1 Hotel 1936: The Story of Revitalization of a “Yeung Lau” at 179 Prince Edward Road West

[Recap of the Webinar]


Date:               29 June 2021 (Tue)

Time:               1300-1430 (1.5 hours)

Language:       Cantonese supplemented by English


1.     Mr. Einstein Chan, Senior Project Manager of Tai Hung Fai Enterprise Co Ltd

2.     Mr. William Liu, Director of ARK

3.     Ms. May Ho, Director of Revival Heritage Consultants Limited



Synopsis of the webinar

Hotel 1936 located at 179 Prince Edward Road is a recently completed new development cum heritage conservation project. The site was originally occupied by a Grade 3 pre-war historic residential block, Yeung Lau dating back to the 1930s. It has been transformed into a boutique hotel, “Hotel 1936”. The heritage building is conserved in a way with the front portion from G/F to the roof, including the three storeys verandah and the original living area are retained, restored and revitalized. The preserved front portion is now integrated with the rear new hotel development. Hotel 1936 is of Art Deco style, expressed in the old fabrics as well as the new design.  

The team members will share the story and their experience of the whole revitalization process, from the perspective of a private developer, architect and conservation heritage consultant, about the challenges and opportunities when revitalizing of the historic building in Hong Kong.

Einstein Chan, the Senior Project Manager of the project oversees the revitalization, William Liu, the Project Architect and the Interior Designer is responsible for the exterior and interior design of the new hotel; May Ho, the Conservation Architect takes care the conservation of the preserved portion.  


Bio of Speakers

William Liu



William Liu is the founder and director of ARK, an architectural and interior design practice since 2002. Born in England, William graduated from the University of Westminster UK in Architecture in 1990 and has been practicing in Hong Kong since then. He was the recipient of the 1992 HKIA Young Architects Award and his project “V Point” received the annual HKIA Merit Award in 2017.  William has designed various residential to commercial projects in Hong Kong and mainland with a focus on experience and lifestyle designs.


May Ho


Revival Heritage Consultants Limited


Ms. May Ho is the Director of Revival Heritage Consultants Ltd, the Heritage Consultant for the project of Hotel 1936. She is also the former Deputy Chair of the Heritage and Conservation Committee of HKIA, has participated in various heritage revitalization projects in the past, including the University of Chicago Hong Kong Campus in Mount Davis, 7 Mallory Street in Wan Chai and F11 photography museum in Happy Valley.



Einstein Chan

Senior Project Manager

Tai Hung Fai Enterprise Co Ltd


Mr. Einstein Chan is Senior Project Manager of Tai Hung Fai Enterprise Co., Ltd and a Registered Architect, Architects Registration Board. He is also a member of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects and a member of the Heritage and Conservation Committee of the HKIA.