President’s Message – Mr. Vincent NG JP
會長的話 – 吳永順建築師 太平紳士

Riding on the success of REVEAL Exhibition in 2013, REVEAL 2 continues to be a showcase of the artistic and creative energies of architects.

Whilst 2016 is the 60th Anniversary of HKIA with focus on recognizing Hong Kong architects’ contribution to the community, this exhibition echoes this with a theme “For the City. For the Community.”

In this exhibition, you will see how architects contribute to the social and physical fabric of Hong Kong, through services and workshops, art and architecture.

Hong Kong is a place that we all love. We are committed to making it better. I hope you will join us.


2016年適逢香港建築師學會創會60周年,今年「築.自室2」展覽主題與周年慶典相互呼應,以「家−城 ÷」為主題,展現香港建築師過去60年對社會的貢獻。



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