論壇及大獎影片 Videos of the Symposium and the Awards

歡迎致辭 ── 李國興建築師
Welcome Speech – Mr. Felix Li

開幕致辭 ── 邱騰華局長, 金紫荊星章, 太平紳士
Opening Remarks – Mr. Edward YAU Tang Wah, GBS, JP

致辭 ── 仲繼籌 秘書長
Speech – Mr. ZHONG Jishou

專題演講 ── 崔愷建築師
Keynote Speech – Mr. CUI Kai

專題演講 ── 李少穎建築師
Keynote Speech – Ms. Ivy LEE

專題演講 ── 李祖原建築師
Keynote Speech – Mr. CY LEE

專題演講 ── Rui LEAO建築師
Keynote Speech – Mr. Rui LEAO

專題演講 ── Mytro VITART建築師
Keynote Speech – Mrs. Mytro VITART

專題演講 ── Mehrdad IRAVANIAN建築師
Keynote Speech – Mr. Mehrdad IRAVANIAN

專題演講 ── Gonca PAŞOLAR 建築師
Keynote Speech – Ms.Gonca PAŞOLAR

專題演講 ── Alexander TZONIS教授
Keynote Speech – Professor Alexander TZONIS

座談會 ── 題目: 如何以建築風格回應一帶一路國家的文化多樣性?
Panel Discussion: Topic: How would architecture respond to cultural diversity in Belt and Road countries?

閉幕致辭 ── 張雪輝建築師
Closing Remarks – Mr. Rover CHENG

Awards Presentation Dinner