2017 年香港建築師學會兩岸四地建築設計大獎結果
HKIA Cross-Strait Architectural Design Awards 2017 - Results

獎項類別 Categories:

C. 商業(商場 / 商城 / 步行街)COMMERCIAL (SHOPPING)


湖南省長沙市天心區勞動西路賀龍體育館南側 South He Long Stadium, Laodong West Road, Tianxin District, Changsha, Hunan Province
匯創國際建築設計有限公司 Atelier Global Limited

為促進長沙當地大眾文化和藝術, 在二千平方米的用地創造一個供新進藝術家及設計師作交流平臺及產品營業點,由于使用週期短, 預算不多情況下,回收集裝箱被建議作為這個場所創造的至要元素。

設計採用了「再生建築」理念,利用 27 個回收集裝箱,佈置出一個精巧的有機開放空間系統,在現場迅速搭建出一個三層的臨時建築群。集裝箱內部劃分為二三十個不同大小的工作室,有面對室外的入口,成為各種藝術家的工作間,供不同的流行文化、藝術、設計者進駐及以輕餐飲作配套,促進大眾文化和藝術。


A system of organic open spaces was meticulously crafted by fast erection of 27 recycled containers, to produce a seemingly casual nomadic market. Like building a nomadic village, the containers are positioned and stacked in three-storey, spaces inside the containers are partitioned into rooms for various workshops and sales points for pop art and designer items, light food and beverage.

An unconventional circulation pattern ensures that visitors are guided not only through the container rooms but also throughout different floors. This path fuses the realms of private and public and encourages intimate encounters between visitors and designers.

A considering human-scaled transparent section was created for visitors. The short visual distances between the container workshops purposefully established a cozy and familiar environment.

The exterior skin of the containers were painted and polished by the public and shop owners, they are welcome to draw on the containers to express ideas. Din Din the yellow cat is the icon of the centre, it appears in different places without any face features, and children are invited to draw the eyes and mouths on their faces to express their moods. It is all about participation.


臺灣花蓮縣秀林鄉景美村加灣 No.216, 9th Nb., Jiawan, Gingmei Village, Taiwan
許華山建築師事務所 EW+HSU Architects / Taipei

1. 基地位置:

2. 設計概念:
以原住民樂觀、熱情、尊重大自然的平日生活為發想--看山、看海、看星星,享受人生。將建築體融入自然環境,猶似存在,隱約間又不存在,如同旅行途中的一處桃花源。主建築順著後方中央山脈,宛如雙手迎接旅客的到來,又如候鳥落地棲息展翅的意象,而屋頂金屬造型則如蓄勢待發的老鷹,猶如原住民的文化,象徵以天為父、大地為母,養精蓄銳,展翅高飛推向國際。 錐形廁所附屬建築,取自原住民堆疊稻草放狼煙之意。後側附屬建物(員工宿舍、原住民風味餐、食品加工場等)以老貨櫃屋建造,延續主建築的元素,猶似飛雁落田的群鳥,與環境場域共伴。
3. 建築材料及工法:

1. Site location:
This construction case is situated in an indigenous reserve of Sioulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan. Traffic passing through this region includes the Provincial Highway 9 and the North-Link Line railway.

2. Design concept:
Stemming from the optimistic, enthusiastic, and nature-respecting lifestyles of indigenous peoples, the construction structure is built to be blended with the natural environment, expressing a sense of ethereality that portrays a Shangri-La in the middle of a journey. 

The main structure is constructed along the orientation of the Central Mountain Range in its background. The outline of the structure resembles a person opening the arms to welcome visitors; in addition, it symbolizes a migratory bird spreading its wings while perching. The metal ornament on the rooftop depicts a hawk ready for the next assault on its prey and embodies the nature-respecting indigenous culture in which the sky and land are respectively revered as the father and mother. Through illustrating the energetic image of indigenous people can the Taiwanese indigenous culture be introduced to the international community.

The annex conical bathroom symbolizes the indigenous tradition of creating smoke signals with burning straw stacks. The annex buildings at the rear (incorporating a staff dormitory, a restaurant featuring indigenous foods, and a food processing factory) are built using old container houses. These structural elements are assimilated to the avian design of the main structure, depicting a flock of birds landing on a farmland and signifying coexistence with the environment.
3. Construction materials and methods:
The structure is constructed under environmentally friendly principles of minimizing damages to the land, environmental symbiosis, and material recycling. Thick and heavy concrete wall systems are established on an elevated floor. On the rooftop, a thin layer of greenery is designed to insulate heat and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature all year round.  

The construction base retains native trees, and additional native trees and shrubs have been planted to maintain the original ecology and natural environment with a pest control function.


廣東省廣州市天河區天河中路218號 218 Tian He Zhong Lu, Tianhe Qu, Guangzhou Shi, Guangdong Sheng, 510620
貝諾 Benoy




The vision for Parc Central was to contribute socially and spatially to the city, as well as economically. Located along the city’s ‘Green Axis’, Parc Central is to form the focal point of this initiative and create a new ‘Central Park’ along the major Tianhe Road thoroughfare which dissects the city.

The result is a distinctive retail development which is designed around an open parkland environment. Forming the heart of the development, the landscape, with its varying levels and forms of greenery, has created a place to socialise, rest and relax; a ‘Place to breathe’ within the city centre. Much of the development has been placed underground to achieve this and preserve the ground level environment.

Drawing on the symbol for peace and fortune, the architecture references the ‘Double fish’ in the form of a steel monocoque roof structure. The two buildings curve around the central gardens. The monocoque roof canopies are supported by tree-like columns beneath which sit a series of gardens which extend the landscape element up the building. Being lower than the surrounding buildings, the design called for an eye-catching and powerful visual statement; one which adds to the rhythm of the city’s central axis.


浙江省杭州市拱墅區小河路306號 306 Xiaohe Road, Gongshu District, Hangzhou
同濟大學建築設計研究院(集團)有限公司 Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.


1 總體設計中將整體開發的綜合體體量打散成四棟不同尺度的單體進行重組,應對北側的大體量工業遺產建築(原紅雷絲織廠,現改建為博物館)和東側的小尺度傳統民居建築群(橋西歷史街區)環境,梳理和完善新老建築之間的體量關係和空間秩序,形成由東向西體量漸變的格局,協調歷史街區保護和高強度土地開發的衝突;

2 強調建築之間空間(Space-between)的價值和體驗,由四棟建築單體圍合限定了五個廣場,突出了從歷史街區和主要城市道路等不同方位進入本項目所形成的入口空間和內部商業及辦公廣場,實現了由公共空間來激發商業休閒活動的策略,並在優化內部道路交通動線基礎上,將項目內部的步行流線串聯至歷史街區形成城市步行網路,從而為運河沿線的都市生活增加新的活力節點,實現歷史街區保護和商業開發的互動共贏;

3 外部空間中塑造了根植於地方風土下的「城市院巷」系列空間,將底層商業界面延伸,圍合出豐富的街巷和院落,通過連續的商業零售店鋪激發空間活力;同時,在四棟建築單體間通過空中聯廊,並結合室內多個上下貫通的中庭空間,打造立體的商業洄游路徑,提升空間體驗所帶來的商業價值。

4 四棟單體建築在材料統一的前提下,通過應對場地而生成的豐富形態組合,營造了具有豐富體驗的空間場所,如: 沿運河斜屋面組合建築呼應橋西直街坡屋面民居形成新舊共生,在梧桐成蔭的紅雷路邊弧形的辦公樓及其圍合廣場帶來了與工業遺產建築的對話,登雲路轉角處通過體塊切削創造了具有視覺衝擊的城市門戶氛圍;同時,汲取地方「宜人尺度和精緻文化」的傳統特色,不僅通過外部空間介面高度和空間寬度的推敲,營造舒適宜人的空間尺度,更注重將傳統的紋樣圖案等融入建築表皮及細部設計,創造了融合時代性和地方性的城市商業街市地標形象。

Project Background:
In the east of the site, there are Qiaoxi historic district and its pleasant Folk Houses beside Gongchen Bridge crossing Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Some enormous industrial heritage buildings sit in the north, with the south and west are urban artery roads and modern high-rise residential buildings respectively. As a commercial-office complex project in such complicated context environment, the biggest challenge is that showing respect to historic district elements by reasonable space creation and architecture design, and taking various demands of contemporary urban life into consideration at the same time, in order to transmit the concept of coexistence between traditional space characteristics and multi-culture into creation of commercial buildings with characteristics of the times and daily spaces.

1. In master plan, integrally developed complex would be divided into four parts with different sizes and recombination. Responding to those massive industrial heritage buildings in the north (the previous Honglei Silk Mill, reconstructed into a museum now) as well as small-scale traditional Folk Houses (Qiaoxizhi historic district) in the east, the strategy is combing dimension relation and spatial order, forming a pattern that buildings gradually changed from east to west for coordinating the conflict of historical block protection and high intensity development.

2. Emphasize value and experience of architecture space-between. Four individual buildings restrict five enclosed squares, making the internal commercial ,office square and the entrance space responding to the historic district , urban artery roads and other different orientation clearly stood out, to realize the goal that stimulating commercial leisure activities by public space. In addition, on basis of optimized internal traffic streamline, we connect internal pedestrian pavement and the historic block, forming an urban pedestrian network. New dynamic nodes are added to urbanism, achieving a win-win interaction between historic block conservation and business development.

3. Shape a series space of the "urban lane" rooted in local cultural character in exterior space. Commercial Street interface on ground floor which would be extended, enclosing a variety of lanes and courtyards, aims to activate space. Meanwhile, sky corridors connect four individual buildings, developing three-dimensional commercial migratory streamline with some up and down connected atriums, in order to improve the commercial value brought by spatial experience.

4. On condition of material unity, the four individual buildings constitute various formal combination based on the site, creating space filled with different feelings. For example, new shed-roof architectures along the canal and original traditional Folk Houses in Qiaoxizhi Street are compatible ; cambered office building and its enclosed square stands at sycamore tree-lined Honglei Street bring an interaction with industrial heritage buildings; at the intersection of Dengyun Road, volume-cutting strategy creates atmosphere of "Urban Gateway" with a sharp visual impact. At the same time, taking advantage of local "pleasant dimension and delicate culture", not only means creating comfortable scale space by restriction of interface height in exterior space, but also utilizing traditional patterns in architectural surface and detail design, creating a landmark of urban commercial block.


蘇州市高新區長江路436號 436 Changjiang Road, Suzhou New District, Suzhou
王董國際有限公司 Wong & Tung International Limited

The Emerald City is to cultivate a lively community within Suzhou which includes a large-scale indoor and outdoor shopping mall, supermarket, F&B outlets, 5-star hotel, business hotel, office towers, cinema and serviced apartments.  The design takes consideration of the adjacent buildings, view corridor and traffic patterns in order to create a building form which provides an optimal experience for the end-users.  Taller buildings anchor the street corners and define plazas to create a strong urban character.


陝西省西安市曲江池東路999號 (寒窯路西口) 999 Qu Jiang Chi Dong Lu, Qu Jiang Shang Quan, Yanta Qu, Xian Shi, Shaanxi Sheng
匯創國際建築設計有限公司 Atelier Global Limited

By exploring various sculptural qualities of the interior space, we create a fluid, dynamic, and seamless spatial experience, both for visitors along the main circulation spine, a north-south axis connecting two urban plazas. The project retail mix includes a boutique market, a children’s zone at 3F, a 10-screen cinema at 4F, and other rich combination of leisure, retail, and restaurants. We designed the main circulation in the form of two dynamic interweaving paths which define three atriums and embrace an elevator system that connects the variety of tenant mix. The two interweaving paths intersect and expand to naturally direct visitors to shop-fronts on both sides while they walk along the north-south axis spine. Detailed sectional studies generated a tapered section profile that gradually unfolds along shopfronts and enhances sightlines across different floors. It aims to set up an ‘experiential chemistry’ among the program mix.


香港九龍旺角太子道西193號新世紀廣場 Grand Century Place, 193 Prince Edward Road West, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
凱達環球有限公司 Aedas Limited



Our strategy is to use the least in creating the most. The mall was completed in September 2015 in eight phases over six years while maintaining in operation at all times.  With limited structural alteration, we strategically transformed the circular atrium into an elegant keyhole shape, allowing shoppers to locate themselves easily while drawing shoppers to the north end of the mall. By realigning the circulation and the careful use of express escalators, the atrium now becomes the focal point and a connection hub. 

“MOKO” is describing a pair of curious eyes looking for infinite exploration. The new glazed façade resembling the diamond shape has become an iconic landmark viewed from afar. Delicate touches of trees, leaves, petals, orchid, river, cloud and stars can be seen in the interior, echoing the theme to explore the dramatic scenery in nature and at the same time refreshes and soften the dense city.


青島市市北區黑龍江路18號 No. 18 Heilongjiang road, Shibei district, Qingdao
青島騰遠設計事務所有限公司 Teng Yuan Design Institute CO., LTD

Qingdao Capitaland Mall is an urban commercial complex in new urban center with GFA of 157,000 sqm. There are variable industries including shops, F&B, supermarkets, cinemas, children's entertainment center etc. The master plan of the project is based on the site context. Echo with surrounding transportation circulation and architecture. The architectural is flexible in shape and united in height. The interior space structure and ambience creation originated from the ocean. Selecting tide, shell and pearl as the basic elements. It’s like a variable space shaped form different edge inlay.


No.2-22 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 神舟設計有限公司
ARK Associates Limited

V POINT,銅鑼灣潮流地帶的革新地標,是三十層高銀座式零售大廈。鑽石形三角面玻璃幕牆,由三種反射率的玻璃以不同角度組成,反射陽光,展現萬花筒般光芒。側面幕牆伸延至地面,延續外觀主題。正面玻璃幕牆像寶石嵌在高級品牌零售裙樓上。晚上,三角面邊緣的光帶勾劃出大樓輪廓。


V POINT is a new “Ginza” type retail high-rise tower in the heart of Causeway Bay; a major trendy retail district in Hong Kong. The 30-storey tower, designed as signature landmark tower within the urban fabric, takes inspiration from the shapes of crystals and gemstones. The unique curtain wall, with up to 1,980 numbers of different size glass panels, consists of a series of tilted triangular planes and like a cut gemstone, reflects the sunlight in different angles to give the form and façade a kaleidoscopic quality. At night, light beams run through the perimeter of the triangular planes to define the patterns in the façade and enhance the silhouette of the tower.

At the ground level, the curtain wall is conceptually cut away to allow a contrasting transparent retail podium box to be inserted while opening up a corner entrance at the same time. The entrance reveals a series of escalators leading customers to the main lobby on the second floor. The lobby continues the building form expression with the crystalline shapes of the lobby wall in the silver fluted glass and geometrically folded ceiling.

中洲 π Mall

廣東省深圳市寶安區創業二路89號 NO.89,Chuangye 2 Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong province
澳大利亞柏濤設計諮詢有限公司 Australia PT Design Consultants

項目位於深圳寶安舊城區核心位置,採用集約化節地型設計, 一塔一裙樓的設計簡潔挺拔,塑造出本地區標誌性建築。一塔的設計為西北側住宅退讓出靈芝公園的視線通廊。為表達對公園的尊重,建築形體起源於公園裡的石頭,採用連續(靈動線條)與非連續(虛空)手法塑造抽象的石頭,與靈芝公園遙相呼應。建築平面及室內設計亦採用和立面元素一致的手法一氣呵成,形成豐富的空間界面。同時組織好各種商業人流,促進城市核心區的升級更新。
Zhongzhou πMall is located in the Bao'an’s old central area. The design focuses on an high-efficiency use of land. The simple and lofty building, made up of one tower and one annex, has already become the new landmark in the area. And the one tower gives way to a sight gallery for the residences on the northwest side to see the park. In order to show respect to the park, the building is inspired by the stones in the park. The abstract stones are in perfect harmony with Lingzhi park by continuum (dynamic lines) with discontinuities (void). The same element as that in the facade is used in the interior design to form an abundant interface.  While the various commercial people are well organized and revitalization in the central area is upgraded.