


[Full House] HKIA CPD Event: AP Series - Becoming an Authorized Person

Date: Session 1: 29.11.2023 (Wednesday)

          Session 2: 07.12.2023 (Thursday)

Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

Delivery: In Person Only, NO Webinar

Venue: HKIA premises (19/F, One Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)

Quota: In-person: 80 (First-come-first served)


Session 1: $ 150 / person

Session 2: $150 / person

Sessions 1 & 2: $300 / person

CPD Hours: 1.5 hours / session

HKIA is delighted to invite you to attend this CPD series on Authorized Person (AP), which is specially designed for HKIA members aiming to enhance their understanding and proficiency in this crucial role. Our esteemed speakers who are renowned in their respective fields will provide valuable insights, practical knowledge as well as interview skills on how to become an AP. In addition, both sessions will conclude with Q&A to allow more information sharing and gather feedback for organizing the next AP Series.


This seminar consists of 2 sessions:

Session 1: Statutory Aspects on Becoming an AP

This session of seminar will lead you to the question of Why you need/ want to become an AP? and tackle the topics and study guidelines from several aspects which include,

(1)Understanding B.O.

(2)Duties of AP

(3)Statutory controls related to

          (i) Architectural design (building control)

          (ii) Structural and geotechnical design

          (iii) Construction issues (SSSP, urgent works, etc.)

      (4) Sharing on AP’s Social Responsibility



Ar. Thomas Cheung

Authorized Person (List of Architects)

Registered Architect (HK)


Director, Cheung Kong-yeung Architects Limited - CKAL



Ar. Donna Hsiung

Authorized Person (List of Architects)

Registered Architect (HK)


Director, Ivanho Architect Limited


Session 2: AP Interviews

This session will focus on several aspects which include,

(1)Preparation Works

(2)During interviews

(3)Interview skills



Prof. Carolin Fong

Authorized Person (List of Architects)

Registered Architect (HK)


Executive Director (Operations), Urban Renewal Authority



Ar. Bruce Law

Authorized Person (List of Architects)

Registered Architect (HK)


Director, DLN Architects Limited


Don’t miss the exceptional opportunity and join us at this AP series and take your professional journey to new heights.